Why Do I Sweat So Much?

Fitness vs. Fatness – Two Sides, Same Coin

I’m finally getting back to my biggest frenemy, the gym. As I become more fit I’m reminded that people in shape sweat more quickly and more often than those who remain inactive. Couch potatoes rejoice! You have a benefit over the gym rat – but only kindof.

We are born with anywhere from two to five million sweat glands. Since that’s a genetic coin toss, our sweat rate is partially based on luck of the draw. Myself, I’d guess I’m in the four million range because I outsweat most of my friends, a dubious honor.

Worst. Thing. Ever.

In addition to genetics, the amount of exertion expended during a workout directly impacts the amount a person sweats. For this reason, the more body fat a person has, the more exertion is generally required so heavy people sweat more too. Everybody’s a winner!

So here’s the thing – after my shower, I get dressed in proper clothes and my boobs are still schvitzing while my neck hairs curl. The second I step outside and hit my purposeful stride, my body thinks we’re still aerobicizing and swings back into self-cooling mode leading to embarrassing boob sweat soaking through my bra and often my shirt. Who needs a bra liner? I do! My bra gets so gross.

Soon I will add an option to pre-order the Swoobie Bra Liner right here on our site. Product development is in progress but I couldn’t be more excited – join our email list to get notified. We’re also developing a patent-pending bra attachment to absorb back sweat. It’s true but it’s in the future. We all need a Delorean.

Model is from Fabletics Plus Size Sportwear. See other plus size sportswear options from SELF magazine here.

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Why Do I Sweat So Much?

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