Ask yourself – will anyone be staring into my cleavage?
Bra liner application and positioning details below.
First, decide whether you need full coverage
or discreet protection.
Full Coverage
Apply Swoobies with heads toward the center.
Discreet Protection
Apply with tails in the middle, below the line of sight.
Bend at the edges to separate label. Be sure to remove the outside ring & don’t let the sticky sides touch!
Step: 1
Step: 2
Bend Inside Cup
Consider your placement before unpeeling the adhesive.
Place along the inside curve of your bra cup, ensuring constant contact along the upper curve of the liner.
Allow about an inch to protrude along the bottom. The bottom portion may initially gap.
Adjust Width
Before wrapping under cup, reposition one or both ends of your Swoobie.
By widening one or both ends across the cup, you can wrap the liner along the lower lip of your bra.
With a little practice it's quick and easy.
Step: 3
Step: 4
Fold Tabs
Fold tabs as needed.
To protect your bra, fold remaining liner over the outside edge. The liner may be slightly visible beneath the underwire or the outside edges of the cup.
Bend Swoobie liner around underwire up toward the front of the cup. Ensure Swoobie is placed low enough to fold under to prevent bunching.