Summer is Coming

It’s that time where I head out to work and in my very focused New York walk, eyes forward, purposeful step, I left-right-left my way down into the steamy depths of our subway.
Why Do I Sweat So Much?

I’m finally getting back to my biggest frenemy, the gym. As I become more fit I’m reminded that people in shape sweat more quickly and more often than those who remain inactive.
Costume Sweat?

OMG YOU GUYS IT IS ALMOST HALLOWEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!! My favorite holiday of all the holidays – mostly because dressing as a giant lab bunny (white fur, bright red eyes) is seriously frowned upon in April.
Tasty Turkey Time!

Hey look you’re still with us and we made it through Halloween! Mazel tov.
Wear the Sexy Dress

Through the winter months there are always reasons to stay bundled up at home eating fried chicken & marshmallows while wearing your fluffy socks and petting the cat. And hey – there’s nothing wrong with that.